Zineb SEDIRA expose trois caissons lumineux Société Lumière dans le cadre du Prix Marcel Duchamp à la FIAC 2015.
Archives mensuelles : octobre 2015
FIAC Prix Marcel Duchamp 2015
Prix Marcel Duchamp
2015-Nominated artists
Davide Balula, born in 1978 in Annecy and represented by the Frank Elbaz Gallery, Paris.
Neil Beloufa, born in 1985 in Paris, represented by the Balice Hertling Gallery, Paris.
Melik Ohanian, born in 1969 in Lyon, represented by the Chantal Crousel Gallery, Paris.
Zineb Sedira, born in 1963 in Paris, represented by the Kamel Mennour Gallery, Paris.
The Marcel Duchamp Prize-Winner 2011 : Mircea Cantor
Paris 22-25 octobre 2015
Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain Paris
ouvre ses portes du 22 au 25 octobre 2015 à Paris, Grand Palais
parmi les ouvres exposés allez voir 3 magnifiques caissons lumineux chez Kamel Mennour
Galerie Chantal Croussel – Melik Ohanian
Galerie Michel Rein – ORLAN
Galerie Kamel Mennour – Zineb Sedira (Ice Bloc, Sea Scape, Ice Doorway)
Dvir Gallery – Mircea Cantor
Mircea Cantor

Mircea Cantor – 5775 (Part I)
January 31 – March 7, 2015 Dvir Galerie
In this magnificent piece we used a new generation LED with very high color accuracy
LED is were placed behind certain letters to improve impression of depth